Elysiann Bangalore

Dental Implants vs Bridges : Which Option is Right for You?

A Dental implant is a screwlike structure that replaces a missing tooth including the root portion. Dental bridge is a fixed prosthesis that is used to replace missing teeth by using natural teeth on either side of the missing space. When deciding between a bridge and an implant one should keep in mind the following: Oral health needs,goals, preferences of the patient. The treatment plan will then be crafted and tailored accordingly. Key factors to consider : Cost: Dental implants are likely to be expensive. A lot of brands and types of implant systems are available and hence price varies accordingly. But considering it is long term and onetime investment thus cost effective. Bridges are affordable and cheaper, but again price variations is based on the number of units in the bridge, quality and type of the material used . Even though initially pocket friendly, they may require relacements/ repairs over time. Durability: Implants are permanent replacement options, highly durable and last a lifetime. They are made of titanium and directly fuse with the bone. Whereas bridges are prosthesis that rest on other teeth. Usually comes with a minimum warranty of 10-15 years but there is no assurance for the tooth inside the bridge. If the abutment tooth fractures the bridge fails, thus requiring replacement. Bone Health: A good adequate healthy bone is required for the placement and osseointegration of an implant system. Implants in turn prevent bone loss by stimulating jawbone and maintaining its strength and structure. Whereas with bridges the bone where teeth is missing may continue to weaken overtime causing bone loss and in turn food lodgement, recession etc. Impact on adjacent teeth: Implants dont affect adjaent teeth,are easy to clean effectively and maintain as well. Bridges cause food lodgement and thus cavites and tooth decay in surrounding teeth. They can also damage the healthy teeth around the missing tooth. Oral hygiene maintainence with bridges is difficult as cleaning under the bridge once fixed is impossible. The teeth inside the bridge may also be subjected to decay which may require treatment in future. Construction of a bridge involves a process of grinding healthy teeth to anchor the bridge. Insurance cover: Implants are likely to be covered by insurance as it is a surgical process of drilling the screw into the jawbone. In addition, other surgical procedures like grafting and sinus lift may be required. Bridges may or may not be covered by insurance as they are chairside procedures and usually come under  cosmetic treatment. Overall Health: Medical conditions are to be considered while deciding the treatment plan. Diabetes and other blood conditions slow down healing. Hypertensive and patients with heart conditions require consent and regulation of medication prior to treatment. Postop healing may also be affected hence making them non suitable candidates per implants.In such cases bridges are preferred as they are usually non invasive. Duration: Placing of implant is usually a multi staged procedure takes months for completion. A process called osseointegration where the implant screw is accepted by the body and fuses with surrounding bone takes about 3 to 4months. Bridges are quicker and can be installed in few visits. Hence based on patient convenience treatment options can be planned. Aesthetics and Comfort: Implants look and feel just like natural teeth, they retain their natural looking appearance thus success rate is high and prognosis good. It is also easy to brush and floss around the implant. Bridges deteriorate overtime, receding gum line can show gaps and underlying tooth structure. They look natural but lose the appearance with age. Conclusion Choosing between dental implants and bridges depends on various factors such as your oral health, budget, and long-term goals. While implants offer a more permanent and natural-looking solution, bridges can be a quicker and cost-effective option. It's essential to consult with a dental professional who can assess your individual needs and help guide you towards the best choice for restoring your smile. At Elysiann, we specialize in both treatments and provide personalized care to ensure optimal results. Schedule a consultation today and let us help you make an informed decision for a healthier, brighter smile.

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